Peter Piper Came to India

Yes, we are back!  No, we did not expire under the blankets, but to the contrary, have been having "adventures."  This is what people call it when someone goes away to a foreign country and is far away from home..  Indiana Jones, eat your heart out!

First, lost the power.  (The precious few hours that had been alloted, to date, magically vanished-perhaps lost in the perpetual fog?)  Next, of course, went the Internet, and finally, to round it all out, the water went from a steady pour, to a tinkling dribble to -nothing.  Poking my finger up the pipe did nothing except get my finger stuck.

Seeing the state of affairs at home was in a dismal state, set off on Scooty to strike a few To-Do's off our List.  Scooted off to the drivers' license office.  Our intrepid friend Manish, offered us tea, as it seems our noses were red and our lips were blue, after which we trudged off to negotiate the maze of offices that might contain a Person of Importance with the coveted Rubber Stamp, all the while reminding ourselves that this "Was An Adventure"!

Office Number 1, was hidden behind a mud wall and three cows.  Was Very careful where I stepped.  Ducking my head to enter the dark room, I could just make out a desk piled with papers, and behind it, in the gloom, the occupant.  By counting the folders piled on the desk, and  the fact that he had a small heater on the floor, I knew, This was truly, A Very Important Man. My heart soared, and with a polite and courteous "Namaste" I entered his domain.  Alas, and woe to all hopeful Adventurers.  Faster than I could repeat my name for the third time, I became a Suspect.  All politics aside, boys, do I look like a -ummmm-terrorist? ( well, don't ask my son), and yes, my boots are in very sad shape (will Zara please send new ones?) But REALLY boys!  Obviously, there is something very odd about a foreigner wanting to 1) stay in India, and 2) DRIVE in India...   I must agree on Number 2.  It is terrifying practice.

Manish to the rescue, as the tiny room became steadily warmer and more pungeant as more men squeezed in to take part in the discussion.  I wondered where the Bookie was to take bets on my chances. The arguement flowed back and forth like a child's see-saw.  Fortunatly, at one point, considering that as my status was still in doubt, I was offered tea.  I accepted this with alacrity and perched myself nearer the heater to await the outcome.  After 30 minutes more of this, I was offered some cookies. which I ate with gusto and a smile.  Had come to the conclusion that regardless of their decision, was going to stay Warm and Fed for the duration, (seeing as Home, was not very Sweet at the moment) A steady supply of hot tea, cookies and a warm seat by the heater suited me just fine.

Eventually worn out by either their own arguements or having to supply me with tea, the grimaces turned to smiles and I was officially welcomed to the village as my name was entered into a record. WHAT record, we are not sure...Was assured by Manish ( and I Know his Sister!) that all was well.

So, my friends, we are Back, and the power is back and my Internet is back, and there is a rumour that the water will be back later this evening.  Still don't have my License though!  All is well in Lakhimpur...

To other important details, Cup with Lid pls, and address is:

Karin von Krenner
c/o Rakesh Gaur
65 Civil Lines
Uttar Pradesh, - INDIA

Send it with a prayer and a hope!  And thank-you, I found salt and it is called - Namak!  One learns a language Fast when one is hungry!  LOL

Namaste to all, and to all a Good Night.
