It's All Weird

Silence may be golden, but admit it, you missed me. Alternate coffee paths adding spice to your predictable Starbucks morning. Starbucks, the coffee alternative to McDonalds. The same where ever you go in the world. Makes one question the point of travel these days.
To balance the bore of worldwide franchises, at least we live in "interesting times".  WTF moments are regular seasoning with the news. On the bright side, the way things are going, maybe our passport pages will get "interesting" as we cross borders and collect visa's stamps again.

Recently, in a herculean effort to shake the dust off my soul from Suburbia, I moved into the city. So many new places to poke my inquisitive nose! Weird indeed.

Nearby, is a street dedicated to "antiques". This label amuses me to no end. Dear Baby United States, 50 years is Not old or, antique. (Ooops sorry, speaking "Millennialese" it's "vintage"). Not only is can you "re-buy" the chair that was, literally in dumped in the dump, but you have the privilege of paying more than it cost New, a few paltry years ago. Its my Holy Jeans Theory. More holes = more money. A twist on less is more? :) Even Better, do you need to add some family to your bare shelf? You can buy a Grandmother to go with the stool. Add a Grandpa and it's a package deal. Am loving my new neighborhood with all of it's quirks. Sidewalk pubs and cafes for prime people-watching and doggy parades. I wonder what dogs think as their owners follow them around picking up their shit...I digress...
Bubbling, irreverent thoughts at every turn. 

Don't forget to pick up your Danish book with instructions for happiness. Spring cleaning of the soul. If that bores you, Netflix is happy to boot you into Nirvana with Marie Kondo who is in the Zen Zone making money on your general misery. This all begs the old question: "Can money buy happiness"? Maybe not for you, but your money is buying Them a whole lot of happiness.  Happy Days!
