Pandoras' Box and The Flu

Having rolled, quite literally, bump on forehead, out of bed- inspiration comes in strange places.  Usually I have my best thoughts in the shower.  This time, compliments of my Comtrex and the flu.
Haven't had coffee for two whole days! decaffeinated mental ramblings ensue, slightly disconnected.

Thought 1 - WTF!!!???  I know, not That original with current news.  But seriously WTF???!!  Even my drug muddled brain gets it.  Sometimes dudes, just keep your mouth Shut. OK, so My theory is this: A) it's not a presidency, it's a dynasty strategy. Power gives access. Access gets knowledge. Knowledge is Power.  Circle of life shit.  Conclusion to Thought 1;  even if the guy leaves the Big Desk, he still has enough Knowledge=Power by now to keep his train on the fast track.  All that Birdbrain twittering is just distraction while the vultures pick the bones clean.

Thought 2-  More important.  Viewing the world as going to Hell in the Hand Basket (??! Flu drugged brain wants to follow this thought, but am restraining it) have come to the conclusion, I need to seriously address the Dating Issue.  Yep.  If they can do it, so can I.  Have concluded it's a percentage game. Sort of like Sales.  Hit a ton of prospects and they end up in the Won or Lost column.  Just need to decide where to fish.   The sea vs a pond. Variety is pretty.

Thought 3- Time Travel. See previous blog.  What is it with traveling and time that erases itself within two weeks of ordinary, scheduled life?  Something about airplanes and clouds gives us a mile high perspective that living on the ground dissolves.  Miserable as travel has become with clothes stripping and mice- maze security lines, it is still the best mental state of escape from the mundane 9-5 life.  We get that whiff of what freedom feels like again and a glimpse of submerged dreams.

All of these thoughts bring me around to Pandora's Box.  Ever so appropriate wrapped in my flu misery.  We all know about the Box.  Curious Girl ( hmmm, can wander that mental road a bit...) Ooops, am back on track. Girl opens Box. All the Ills of the world escape. Flu!! She slams the lid down.  Too late, the shit is flying everywhere.  Inside the box one virus is left.  Hope.  Being of the Curious
Girl type, am all about opening the Box and making sure it's still in there.  

Living in Curious Times, requires coffee, wine and friends.  It's raining,  I have an icky flu ( that would send any potential boyfriend fleeing to the hills) and a shedding cat.  But I still have my Box.

Dear Friends, passing it on, feel free to open when needed...  now, back to bed, pass the tissues..

Remind me to tell you about the Tree in the Mall, it was weird.
