Rays Of Sunshine

I almost took the "day off" today. It's rather amusing, in a twisted way.  My days now, I  work harder  Finding a job, than I ever did when I Had a job. And, I did work hard in those Bygone days. In that Other Life,  there were set hours, schedules, time off, home chores and my cherished early morning coffee and read.  Now, the days stretch  from sunrise to deepest midnight when the only light is the grey ghostly glow of my screen.

The sun came out today, slipping along celadon dappled blue skies and embracing the lush green with warmth.  We sat for awhile in the park and were, like anyone else enjoying the day.  For a few brief moments, my life was returned to me and the day was ours. Just another little family in the park.

We counted out our average number of applications per day. 50! Plus the emails and websites and "networking". A full time job...
There are some glimmers of hope, a few small nibbles. We throw the net wider every day. K is shrugging into his blue jacket, the cold of evening creeps around us and devours the dreams. Somewhere, a cat is crying...


  1. hey karin,
    it is good to read your voice again! i am thinking you need to write a book. there aren't many people around with your experience and your knowledge - definitely not with your insights. off to work now...


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