May Days
I am in awe again at the brilliance of our planet. The shades of green and dispersions of light that define countries.
The brilliance that bites in the Middle East is softened by the gentle slopes of it's red and gold dunes. The heavy cloak of night that drops across Australia is balanced by the blue-green vastness of it's "girding". Here, the light seems to have no definitive end. It slips in softly under my eyes when I should be sleeping and confounds me with it's total lack of relationship to my watch.
The great city planners of our world gave Mother Nature her full due. In each great city, the parks pay tribute to her. Here they are framed by citadels, arches and monuments. I walk around with my head turned up, versus, Australia where I am watching my feet for snakes! In India we walked rapidly or, simply sat in stillness.
Each country directs us, expands us and somehow, when we leave, prints us so we are forever a part of them.
Perhaps, someday, we, as humans will remember that we are part and parcel off this. The light and the dark. This Blue Globe. That each person is connected to the other, and there are no borders on this planet, beyond the ones we make ourselves, in our own minds.
I sign off, despite everything that has befallen, with a firm belief that against all accounted odds and End Of World scenarios, we do have a chance. After all, to end with a quote by Oscar Wilde,
"It is because Humanity has never known where it was going that it has been able to find its way...."
For the moment, that seems very appropriate...Good Night.
The brilliance that bites in the Middle East is softened by the gentle slopes of it's red and gold dunes. The heavy cloak of night that drops across Australia is balanced by the blue-green vastness of it's "girding". Here, the light seems to have no definitive end. It slips in softly under my eyes when I should be sleeping and confounds me with it's total lack of relationship to my watch.
The great city planners of our world gave Mother Nature her full due. In each great city, the parks pay tribute to her. Here they are framed by citadels, arches and monuments. I walk around with my head turned up, versus, Australia where I am watching my feet for snakes! In India we walked rapidly or, simply sat in stillness.
Each country directs us, expands us and somehow, when we leave, prints us so we are forever a part of them.
Perhaps, someday, we, as humans will remember that we are part and parcel off this. The light and the dark. This Blue Globe. That each person is connected to the other, and there are no borders on this planet, beyond the ones we make ourselves, in our own minds.
I sign off, despite everything that has befallen, with a firm belief that against all accounted odds and End Of World scenarios, we do have a chance. After all, to end with a quote by Oscar Wilde,
"It is because Humanity has never known where it was going that it has been able to find its way...."
For the moment, that seems very appropriate...Good Night.
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