Can Openers & Other Necessary Objects of Disdain

Trumpets of war are bleating in the heaving streets of self-proclaimed heartbroken protest.  It's an all After-The-Fact" affect.  Not Effect, affect. Affectation of love or, hate. Love and Hate. Four letter words that bring in the can opener and other useful but equally disdained objects.

So, with all the unrest rippling, I have been driven to baking. In an effort to get fully into the subject, added "slightly baked" to the mix. Mental recreation. Which brings in the can-opener. A message of simplistic irony. For reasons best left unknown, after accessing it's usefulness, I found myself, steamed with soap bubbles, washing it. Meticulously, verging on obsessively.  Point being, where would we be without it. And, yes, Have indeed been there. Hammers, walls, shovels and screwdrivers cannot Ever replace a can opener. It's the key to heaven when hunger scratches at your knees.  Keys to heaven we so easily overlook, until that gnawing moment of need.

Where is our need now?  What besides the replacement of one slimy politician with another are we really protesting.  Tarnished, disappointed loyalty?  Mind defying love? Life?  Or, boredom of the status quo...Is the fight worth-as much as a can opener?

What label do we need to start? Love, loyalty or just plain being affected?  A mutual fanatic wrote: "Loyalty is needed for things you don't love enough-when you love enough, loyalty isn't even a thought or question"  I Know that one. Love can either drag you, kicking with objection into the Light or push you off a mental cliff to see if you can fly.  Either way, you Know it's in the neighborhood.  Loyalty, on the other hand, breaks windows and people.  You never know it's been and gone until something is shattered.

Dear Protesting People. If it's not a revolution, then chill.  The only things worth fighting for involve love, in any and all, it's convoluted forms. Undefined, unlabeled, unknown, except to  the lovers.  It deserves to be defended for the innocent, blind, sweet child it is.

Loyalty is links in an iron chain. Grown, ivy-like when people have a mutual vision that at some level, conscious or otherwise, makes sense to the parties involved.  If not trimmed in with some cynical distance, it can bring down the temple, brick by brick.

Recently, a FofF (Friend of Friend) FB post begged me to comment on the current downtown Protests (or riots, depending on which side of the fence you graze). "Property destruction is a victimless crime"  That was just waving the Red in Pamplona.  Had to trample in.  Horns tossing, considering options, I threw in a link to ancient sites recently destroyed by violence in Mideast.

 FBer retorted; "Those statues aren't any one's property. Bank windows are not ancient monuments " Silence is the only suitable rhetoric in the face of this announcement. Anyone, everyone. Who owns history? What is the distance in time and thought from  Palmyra to the Eiffel Tower to windows in the  Hallock-McMillan building.. I didn't cry over the elections, I did weep for Mar Elian and Mari.

In a splendid snake charmer way, this rallies in my can opener. I have opened the can-of-worms labeled "thought" and offer a banquet of relishes to spice it up.

What is love or, loyalty?  Who is right vs wrong?  And, where are the Judges who can see beyond the past and future to define right from wrong.. Do we approach life with a can-opener or, hammers and screwdrivers.   The Time to choose is coming. It always does, just before it leaves...
