The Age of the Dinosaurs

Age. AGE!  What does it really mean?  We tend to celebrate birthdays and offer happy congratulations to the celebrant, but let's do a double-take on the age game in the business world.
I recently had the opportunity to preview some new, up-and-coming, start-up companies. Read; "young, fresh, green".  The energy of these "young" people was infectious and fun. And we all like having fun!

Mobiles apping, poking, doodling and blasting and tweeting. A defeaning silence, connected to everything but each other. Conversation was all but extinct as fingers flew and texts filled the empty chairs.  My laptop remained closed, my phone on silent.  A few scratches of my pen on paper brought puzzled looks to the eyes of these innovators.  They couldn't read what I was writing.  I smiled, called my friend over and handed her my note.  She nodded and left. A few minutes later, she  returned with cups of steaming coffee. Seems the Starbuck App does not deliver...

Welcome to the Age of the Dinosaur.  The lights go out, all cells phones and laptops are disconnected. The office internet is Down! Amazing what a few pieces of paper can do!  I continued writing. My "techies" become increasingly more agitated by the minute.   What did I write in my note to my friend?  They And Big Brother don't know. Now THAT is called Privacy.  What were my limits without the internet? None, only my own imagination...

How easy it is for this "young and technically savvy" generation to forget.  They have stood on the shoulders of dinosaurs.  We remember the slide-rule, the first calculators and how to change the ribbon on a typewriter. We know how to jerry-rig, hot-wire and generally "make-do" when all else fails.  We don't need an App to talk to our friends, we can read a map if the GPS fails and we can still count change back if the cash machine gets stuck..And hey, yes the Pen IS Mightier than the App! Note, I have coffee, they don't... :)

That "Grandpa" who is too "old" in your "young tech world" has more hands-on experience than any App can ever give you.  "Grandma" who offered to man your "cool" front reception can very likely turn your playroom into a streamlined business office.  These dinosaurs gave birth to your Brave New World. They still have teeth, and hang on to your hats Boys and Girls, they can use Apps too! 

Now where did I leave my glasses.....
