Overall Review

December slunk in between the raindrops like a wet cat on the doorstep. You don't notice them until they slam past you and land on your bed, yowling.

Was distracted by November events that included President Obama pardoning The Turkey. Which led me to wondering What crime it had committed, and why all the other turkeys got the Death Sentence on Thanksgiving.
This event was in close conjunction with the  US election madness,  general mayhem in both Israel and Egypt and EU austerity. One doesn't have to be a Mayan prophet to see it will all end up in tears.

The holiday season and Christmas spirit were ushered in by another lovely American tradition called; Black Friday.  (Somehow, I just can't get the vision of the original 1869 stock market crash out of my mind when I hear this. But then, I am a contrary sort)  Ironically, this is now deemed to be a highly competitive shopping day designed to "save the economy".   Thousands of holiday shoppers camp outside shops to beat (literally) each other in and shove, grab and otherwise demonstrate their Christmas spirit by maxing their credit cards on "Deals".  This year, several EU countries joined the fray in a global fraternity of greed.

I lack the appropriate spirit to participate and I gave up credit cards for cash when the APR rates started resembling  Balloon mortgage payments. I prefer paying only once, for something I buy.

With all this excitement, December, as noted earlier, did not make a positive entrance. It lacked snow, spirit and the usual glittering star of Hope. In America, they are careening towards a  "Fiscal Cliff " (is this coming with the Mayan Apocalypse?) Israel is lining up for some ground and rule breaking, the EU is "agreeing to dis-agree" and the Arab Spring has turned into a melting Summer of disaster. In other words, in old military terms: it's a ClusterFuck all over. Pardon my proverbial French.

And to add final insult to December injury:  the new,007 movie;  "Skyfall".  Having dealt the death blow to all the significant James Bond classics (cool cars, curvy girls and awesome gadgets) they then proceeded to wipe out the entire cast and replace them with some kind of Yuppie version of  Babes in the Woods. Buggered indeed...

Well, I am off to buy my xmas tree, drag it in, light it up and wait for the Zombies.  But before theydevour me, am going to see " The Hobbit".  See, there is Hope after all! Happy holidays!  Have to go blow-dry the cat now...

