Blue Skies

What a day!  The trees, little scrappy stems that aspire to treedom, are going in the ground, and our very first was nearly lost in the planting as the class in their excitement almost trampled it flat in the ground.  Having saved it from its enthusiastic "parents" we then built a brick cage to further preserve it from the tender attentions of curious goats, passing cows and inattentive feet.  There is hope!
So, with the environment deftly dealt with, we are now in the chaotic process of practicing democracy by holding class elections.  Somebody Please tell me- what madness induces me to start these projects??!!  Between organizing their campaigns ( for each class and grade) complete with posters and speeches, am still trying to get them to get their tongues around the "th", "v" and "w" sounds.  The village resounds with chorus'
of "Peter Piper Picked A Peck of Pickled Peppers " and " How Much Wood Could  A Wood Chuck Chuck If A Wood Chuck Could Chuck Wood".....  Life requires a sense of the ridiculous! 

Todays' great discovery is- we now know what Bleach is called here. At the risk of being -ummmm, politically incorrect and doing a Salman Rushdie, it is called "Ala".  And we are truly blessed, as now not only have our floors gone from grey to white, but so has our laundry!  Oh, Ala, we do love you.

The weather continues to warm up, and while we Scoot to school amidst early morning swirling fogs, by afternoon the sun warms my skin as I sit in my special chair at the top of the stairs, between classes and grade my lessons. The school "didi" brings my chai and these are the quiet moments that keep the balance.  As I leave each day, the children shout out to me, with smiles and laughter -"See you tomorrow Miss!"
The skies are blue........


  1. Hey Karin,
    Yesterday, I was thinking about you. I admire your tenacity, energy and optimism... keep trotting. I am sending you the coffee mug; do you need anything for your class there or for yourselves?


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