What IS on my Mind?...

Spring hath sprung and flower push up from the ground like unexpected rainbows. At least, on my side of the Pond.  The rest of the world seems to be shivering under a blanket of snow and ice.  "Blanket of snow".  Now there is an oxymoron for you.  And, why does the word "oxymoron" include "moron"?  Inquiring minds want to know. Is that a subtle Greek dig at those who use them?

I transgress, again.  Audience, silence those thundering sighs! You know I WILL, eventually, find my way back along crooked paths of thought and travel. My paths in life and thought have never been along the straight and narrow and so provide you with a window to keep you vaguely amused or incensed, as the case may be.

Trawling, FB, like a secret addict searching for my next hit of mischief, am directed to state: Whats on my mind.  Really??!!  Why does FB always want to know; "what's on my mind" ?  Maybe, Nothing Is On My Mind.  Maybe I am Mindless or, Mindful or, just of a Similar Mind.  I don't usually Mind, but my Current State Of Mind does. Here I am Minding My Own Business. So, Mr. FB man, you shouldn't Mind if I give you a Piece of My Mind.  Mind You, it's all a bit Mindless anyway.
Hope you all Don't Mind. Just had to say what was On My Mind. After all, FB DID ask, even if you all didn't.   I have to do what I am told, sometimes....

Which, after all that, ( a bit of ranting is good for the soul) brings me back. I did tell you I would be back... My current State Of Mind is observing our Shakespearean world stage.  The EU is rumbling with Greek drama. They have cleverly extended the Box Office Showing for another four months. Critics abound with a tangy Siskel and Ebert flavor.

We are daily battered with statistics. That beloved tool of economists and politicians. This is Bad or, That is Good. Look at our pretty graphs. It's just proof in the proverbial pudding.  Am not a fan of pudding.  Whenever I see those wavy graphs my eyes cross and reminded of the words of my old Micro/Macro economics professor. "Never trust statistics!"  What that man could do with set of numbers (the same ones) and graphs was pure magic and forever defined my opinion one the subject of "statistics".  Walk away, walk away.  Statistically speaking, it works.  Prof Doug, your still my Hero.

Where is all this going. It begs the question, Where IS all this going. Ignoring statistics and reverting to history, it looks like a an old black and white movie replay.  Cold war with Russia, fracturing EU, Asia re-aligning with old "friends" and a despite the graphs and statistics, a world economy still in the doldrums.  Hey You Statistic Guys, did you forget all those numbers (aka countries and people) are actually inter-related?  What goes up, will come down.  And, see-saws go both ways,
Despite our fervent hopes for an improving economy, world-wide unemployment continues to be the trend.  "It's a small world after all"... Disney knew what he was talking about.

Against the backdrop of all these grey clouds of gloom and doom, I (as ever) do detect rays of sunshine shining through the cracks.  Wiping off my rose tinted glasses as I write..

Look at this new bundle of energy that is the up-coming generation. Green at the gills yes, but bubbling with a new and oddly positive and humorous energy. Entrepreneurs abound, unbound by the social and economic limitations of the previous generations.  The Share Economy and green technologies. Don't have money to buy a car, a bike not only "will do" but is "better". Gotta love the attitude! There is a distinct new thought process towards finding long-term workable solutions based on creation vs short term acquisition. A certain hopeful social cohesion that echoes a more practical version of Utopia.  I am totally in their fan crowd cheering.   (As both Mom and Previous Generation Dinosaur!)

Having stated, ( hopefully to the satisfaction of FB and my selective audience) what was on my Mind, am now heading out for my next cup of coffee adventure. The revelation that my path is still my own to choose, and may soon be one I tread with only myself to be responsible for, offer a dizzying sense of possibility.  What is around that next corner? Only one way to find out!

You take the high road, I'll take the low. Let's meet in the middle, soon.

Oh coffeeeeee, where art thou?  A rose is still a rose, by any other name, but coffee, is Always the same!
