Blankety Blank Blankets and Leaking Politicians
On my daily trawl of internet news sources, of which Al Jazeera currently ranks on my favorites list, I stumbled across an article by Charlotte Silver on the "revolution against the culture of leaks". All kidding aside, and the lead-in does open the door for some priceless comments, it appears a leading California Senator has severe issues with said leakage. In this case, political leakage. (Again, silence from the Peanuts Gallery Please, aiming for a serious tone here!)
Needless to say, from her particular employment status, she is against leaks. For us common folk, that means information about what they are actually doing versus what they Say they are doing.
I am the first to admit, sometimes we all need a few secrets to "get along". But, I draw the line at governments drawing the proverbial curtain over everything they randomly choose to label "national security". It does not make me feel very secure. Leaking aside, I like to know what's going on and have a good thoughtful debate about it and prefer to come to my own opinions. Muzzeling the press started with Iraq and if we take away all the so-called "whistle blowers" who is left to investigate the Watergates of the world... In summary, Blanket Policies are just that. Security blankets that end up making dirty laundry...
Now, I personally am not fond of dirty laundry. Being a mom of a teenage boy, I find it grows in annoying piles everytime I turn around. And these tiny European wash machines are a nightmare. Would do at all for all that political leakage.. (On a side note, I am Dreaming daily of my beloved American Full Load Washer & Dryer..)
Where was I ? Sorry the dream caught me....All that dirty laundry gone in ONE load....Ok, Ok.. Am back again...And the Dryer.... Ahhhhhhh,
Right. Leaks and the process of leakage. Seems there is a new tide (not the laundry detergent) towards the "criminalisation of transparency" Washing all the soap bubbles out of that phrase translates to; "the truth shall Not set you free"..Whistle Blowing on the proverbial Bad Guys puts you right into the boil and spin cycle with no rinse in between..
Sounds all very wishy washy to me. I know some peculiar things come out of California, but maybe this one should stay there and leave the rest of the country to keep their laundry relative clean and will aired... With American size washers... :)
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