Planes, Trains and Friends

It's that time again. Time to consider options, have long bitter-sweet converstions with friends and draw new maps.

As the world around us erupts with war, politics and natural chaos, we are faced with two choices. To follow our heart and road, or- run and hide.  The gossip of 2012 flies around our planet in equal doses of disaster and hope.  I smile, sometimes. Time is such a fluid, man-made concept. So many versions of time. Persian calendars, Western, Mayan. Who can tell where we really are- in time.  My only concrete sign is my current country,  And, even here, time is elastic- different from the rest of the world.

So, I shall put time aside. In more ways than one.  I shall spend it wisely, making memories with friends, my sons and the land around me.  I know, no more than anyone else what the future brings, What new surprise waits around the next bend in the road.   But, the road and I, for now, are one. We travel together-onward.
