Alternate Roads

So, the silence is cracked and the viewing window open again on our new adventures.  Having left India, in a haze of dust and deliberation, the current scenario is set in Australia.  Land of kangaroos, koalas and an English version of the language that keeps us on our proverbial toes.  "Rooting" has nothing in common with any form of vegetable gardening process and everything right should be " fair dinkum".  This last phrase was used continuesly by both political parties in  recent elections and hence causes me some legitimate doubt as to whether it is "true dinkum"...

Short of cuddley koalas, seems everything here wants to take a bite out of me!  Crocs prowl the rivers and beaches, sharks swim the shallows and bugs of indecent size and sound easily find the "fresh meat" of my none-ozzie blood.  Do the Marsh Fly Dance...For all those NOT in the know, these are the meanest yet slowest flies on the planet. And, for some unknown reason, seem to zoom in on the color Blue.  Boys in blue, beware!
Do love the smiling green frogs and have a collection of them as I create my defense against the Dark Side! :)  Whatever you do, don't turn on the lights at night- it's better not to know what's watching....

Did I mention Spiders, snakes and scorpions.  Next time!


  1. hey, good to hear from you finally; even of the critter troubles. good luck...


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